发布时间:2019-03-25        浏览次数:2284


电话:021-54237183  Email: guyu_@fudan.edu.cn



       2007毕业于清华大学获得生物学学士学位,2014年毕业于美国马里兰大学获得神经科学博士学位。2014至2017年间,他在美国西北大学神经生物学系进行博士后研究工作,于2018加入复旦大学脑科学研究院。其研究成果发表在 Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, eLife, Journal of Neuroscience 等多家神经科学领域知名的期刊上,并被EurekAlert!等多家媒体突出报道。 


  • 神经生物学



  1. Gu Y, Cang J*(2016). Binocular matching of thalamocortical and intracortical circuits in the mouse visual cortex. eLife. pii: e22032 

  2. Gu Y, Tran T, Murase S, Borrell A, Kirkwood A*, Quinlan EM*(2016). Neuregulin- dependent regulation of fast-spiking interneuron excitability controls the timing of the critical period. J Neurosci. 36(40):10285-10295.  

  3. Gu Y#, Huang S#, Chang, M, Worley P, Kirkwood, A, Quinlan EM*(2013). Obligatory role for the immediate early gene NARP in critical period plasticity. Neuron, 79(2): 335–346 #Equally contributing first authors  

  4.  Huang S#, Gu Y#, Quinlan EM*, Kirkwood A*(2010).  A refractory period for rejuvenating GABAergic synaptic transmission and ocular dominance plasticity with dark exposure. J Neurosci. 30:16636-42  #Equally contributing first authors

  5. Belforte JE, Zsiros V, Sklar ER, Jiang Z, Gu Y, Li Y, Quinlan EM, Nakazawa K*(2009). Postnatal NMDA receptor ablation in corticolimbic interneurons confers schizophrenia- like phenotypes. Nature Neurosci. 13(1):76-83

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