发布时间:2019-03-25        浏览次数:3219





       复旦大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师(2011至今),医至今学神经生物学国家重点实验室研究员(2013)。兰州大学物理系学士(1995),南京大学凝聚态物理学博士(2001),美国卡耐基梅隆大学计算神经科学博士后(2001-2004),耶鲁大学计算神经科学研究科学家(2010-2012),耶鲁大学定量核磁共振成像中心高级访问学者(2017), 上海高校特聘教授‘东方学者’(2013)和跟踪计划(2017)。Frontiers in Computational NeuroscienceCognitive Neurodynamics等杂志编委。应用物理学理论和数学模型,结合实验方法进行跨学科研究大脑脑皮层神经电活动规律和信息处理机制、脑认知计算方式和能量代谢机制。在Nature, PNAS, Neuron, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Neuroscience, PLoS Compuational BiologyEBioMedicineSCI学术期刊发表论文50余篇。


          1 计算神经科学

          2 神经信息处理机制

          3 神经活动能量效率

          4 学习和记忆认知功能的脑复杂网络研究

          5 癫痫等脑疾病的神经电生理实验研究





2011-2012, 2017上海交通大学计算神经科学冬季短期培训班



  1. 2013年上海高校东方学者特聘教授

  2. 2017年上海高校东方学者特聘教授跟踪计划


  1. Du MM, *Yu YG and *Wu Y, (2018) Astrocytic Kir4.1 channels and gap junctions account for spontaneous epileptic seizure, PLoS Comp. Biol. 14(3): e1005877

  2. Zhang W, Fan BQ, Agarwal D, Li T and *Yu YG (2018). Axonal sodium and potassium conductance density determines spiking dynamical properties of regular- and fast-spiking neurons, Nonlinear Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-018-4613-3

  3. Yu, L., Shen, Z., Wang, C., & *Yu YG (2018). Efficient coding and energy efficiency are promoted by balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents in neuronal network. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 12, 123.

  4. Wang YY, Wang PX and *Yu YG, (2018) Decoding English alphabet letters using EEG phase information, Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12:62. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00062.

  5. *Yu YGHerman P,  Rothman DL, Agarwal D and Hyder F, (2017) Evaluating the gray and white matter energy budgets of human brain function, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 0271678X17708691, DOI: 10.1177/0271678X17708691

  6. Ju H, Hines ML, *Yu YG, (2016) Cable energy function of cortical axons, Sci Rep. 6:29686.

  7. Pan XL. et al., ... *Yu YG and *Zhong, C.J. (*Co-PI) (2016) Measurement of Blood Thiamine Metabolites for Alzheimer’s disease Diagnosis, EBioMedicine, 26(3):155-162.

  8. *Yu, Y.G., Migliore, M, Hines ML, and Shepherd GM, (2014) Sparse coding and lateral inhibition arising from balanced and unbalanced dendrodendritic excitation and inhibition, Journal of Neuroscience, 34: 13701-13713.

  9. Yu YG, McTavish TS, Valenti C, Hines ML, Shepherd GM and Migliore M. (2013) Sparse distributed representation of odors in a large-scale olfactory bulb circuit. PLoS Comp. Biol., 2013 9(3): e1003014.

  10. Yu YG, Hill A. and McCormick DA. (2012). Warm body temperature facilitates energy efficient cortical action potentials. PLoS Comp. Biol., 8(4) e1002456.

  11. Yu YG, Maureira C and McCormick DA (2010) P/Q and N channels control baseline and spike-triggered calcium levels in neocortical axons and synaptic boutons, J Neurosci, 30: 118580-11869.

  12. Haider B, Krause MR, Duque A, Yu YG, Touryan J, Mazer JA, McCormick DA (2010) Synaptic and network mechanisms of sparse and reliable visual cortical activity during non-classical receptive field stimulation. Neuron, 65: 107-121.

  13. Yu YG, Shu Y, Duque A, Haider B and McCormick DA (2008) Cortical Action Potential Back-propagation Explains Spike Threshold Variability and Rapid-Onset Kinetics. J Neurosci, 28: 7260-7272.

  14. McCormick DA, Shu Y and Yu YG (2007) Hodgkin and Huxley model—still standing? Nature. 445: E1-E2.

  15. Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Duque A, Yu YG and McCormick DA (2006) Modulation of intracortical synaptic potentials by presynaptic somatic membrane potential. Nature 441(7094):761-5.

  16. *Yu YG, Richard RD and Lee TS (2005) Preference of sensory neural coding for 1/f signals. Phys Rev Lett, 94, 1081031-4.

  17. *Yu YG and Lee TS (2003) Dynamical mechanisms underlying contrast gain control in single neurons. Phys Rev E 68, 0119011-0119017.

  18. *Yu YG, Wang, W., Wang, J.F., and Liu, F. Resonance-enhanced signal detection and transduction in Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal systems. Phys Rev E, 63, 0219071-02190712, (2001).

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