复旦大学生命科学学院神经生物学教授,先后于中国科技大学获得学士、博士学位,在MIT进行博士后研究工作。研发了我国第一台基于内源信号的光学成像系统,在复旦大学搭建了整体动物双光子激光成像系统,对方位选择性的视网膜、外膝体和皮层机制进行了多角度研究,并采用自组织计算模型研究视觉信息在皮层的编码与功能组织模式,并发表于Science、Neuron、 PNAS、Neuroimage等杂志。目前为Frontiers in Neuroscience杂志编辑,负责科技部“973”、“863”课题,及多项国家自然科学基金。
Tao J, Wang J, Li Z, Meng J, Yu H*(2016). Population response characteristics of intrinsic signals in the cat somatosensory cortex following canine mechanical stimulation. Neuroscience, 329:254-263.
Chen Y, Li H, Jin Z, Shou T, Yu H*(2014). Feedback of the amygdala globally modulates visual response of primary visual cortex in the cat. Neuroimage, 84: 775-785.
Yu H, Majewska, A, Sur M (2011). Rapid experience-dependent plasticity of synapse function and structure in ferret visual cortex in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108 (52) 21235-21240.
Schummers J#, Yu H#, Sur M (2008). Role of astrocytes in visual cortex: tuned responses, feature maps, and hemodynamic regulation. Science,320:1638-1643.
Yu H, Farley B, Jin D. and Sur M (2005). The coordinated mapping of visual space and response features in visual cortex. Neuron,47:467-280.