电话:86-21-54237590 传真:86-21-54237643 Email:behnish@fudan.edu.cn
1983 - 1988 苏联喀山大学生理系 Major; National University Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
1994 柏林自由大学 Ph.D; Freie Universität Berlin
2007.7- 复旦大学脑科学研究院,高级PI
2005.4-2007.6 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,Research Scientist
2005.1-2005.3 日本埼玉Riken 脑科学研究所,Research Scientist
2000.2-2004.12 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,Group Leader
1996.1-1998.12 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,Research Scientist
1994.10-1995.12 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,Post doctor
Huang Y, Chen J, Chen Y, Zhuang Y, Sun M* and Behnisch T* (2015). The neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium(MPP+) alters hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission by modulation of the GABAergic system. Front Cell Neurosci,4 ;9 :299.
Hong X, Liu J, Zhu G, Zhuang Y, Suo H, Wang P, Huang D, Xu J, Huang Y, Yu M, Bian M, Sheng Z, Fei J, Song H, Behnisch T*, Huang F* (2014).Parkin overexpression ameliorates hippocampal long-term potentiation and β-amyloid load in an Alzheimer‘s disease mouse model. Hum Mol Genet, 23(4):1056-72.
Mikhaylova M, Karpova A, Bar J, Bethge P, Yuanxiang P, Chen Y, Zuschratter W, Behnisch T, Kreutz MR (2013).Cellular distribution of the NMDA-receptor activated synapto-nuclear messenger protein Jacob in the rat brain. Brain Struct Funct, 219(3):843-6.
Karpova A, Mikhaylova M, Bera S, Bar J, Reddy PP, Behnisch T , Rankovic V, Spilker C, Bethge P, Sahin J, Kaushik R, Zuschratter W, Kähne T, Naumann M,Gundelfinger ED, Kreutz MR. (2013). Encoding and Transducing the Synaptic or Extrasynaptic Origin of NMDA Receptor Signals to the Nucleus. Cell, 1119-1133.
GuoQi Zhu, YuQing Huang, Ying Chen, YingHan Zhuang and Behnisch T* (2012). MPTP modulates hippocampal synaptic transmission and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity via dopamine receptors. J Neurochem, 122:582-593.