发布时间:2019-03-25        浏览次数:2132

Email: yunli.xie@fudan.edu.cn



       2008年毕业于德国图宾根大学获得博士学位,随后在奥地利科学院生物技术研究所从事博士后工作。这期间主要从事神经元发育和神经干细胞工作,主要成果发表在Neuron, Current Biology, PNAS, EMBO J,J Neurosci和 J Cell Biol 等杂志。2014年加入复旦大学脑科学研究院。


  1. Xie Y, Juschke C, Esk C, Hirotsune S, Knoblich JA (2013). The phosphatase PP4c controls spindle orientation to maintain proliferative symmetric divisions in the developing neocortex. Neuron, 79: 254-265

  2. Juschke C, Xie Y, Postiglione MP, Knoblich JA (2014) . Analysis and modeling of mitotic spindle orientations in three dimensions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111: 1014-1019

  3. Sparmann A, Xie Y, Verhoeven E, Vermeulen M, Lancini C, Gargiulo G, Hulsman D, Mann M, Knoblich JA, van Lohuizen M (2013). The chromodomain helicase Chd4 is required for Polycomb-mediated inhibition of astroglial differentiation. EMBO J, 32:1598-612

  4. Xie Y, Vessey JP, Konecna A, Dahm R, Macchi P, Kiebler MA (2007) . The dendritic spine-associated GTP-binding protein Septin 7 is critical for dendrite branching and dendritic spine morphology. Curr Biol, 17: 1746-1751

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