发布时间:2020-08-28        浏览次数:3672






      主任医师、教授、博士生导师,复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院耳鼻喉科研究院院长兼耳鼻喉科主任,享受国务院特殊津贴,国家973项目首席科学家,国家杰出青年基金获得者,第八届国家卫生计生突出贡献中青年专家,教育部创新团队负责人,上海市领军人才。致力于耳聋、耳鸣、眩晕以及面神经疾病的诊断和治疗,擅长人工耳蜗植入手术,中耳炎、听骨链畸形、耳硬化症的耳显微外科手术以及面神经疾病的外科治疗。作为课题负责人先后获得“973”项目、国家重点研发计划、国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金(重点项目、重大国际合作项目、面上项目等)、上海市重点基础研究项目和上海市科委基金等基金资助。在耳聋发病机制和生物学干预研究方面积累了丰富经验,获得了许多原创性的研究成果和重大突破,为应用干细胞移植和通过转基因技术激活毛细胞再生治疗感音神经性聋奠定了理论基础。曾获得国家科技进步二等奖,教育部自然科学一等奖和上海市科技进步一等奖。在Nature MedicinePNASJ NeurosciTrends in Molecular Medicine等国际著名期刊发表SCI收录论文80余篇(其中7篇论文获得封面照片和重点介绍的第一导读)。


  • 听觉损伤和修复的神经机制


1.    Li W, Wu J, Yang J, Sun S, Chai R, Chen Z Y, and Li H* (2015). Notch inhibition induces mitotically generated hair cells in mammalian cochleae via activating the Wnt pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.112, 166-171

2.    Ni W, Lin C, Guo L, Wu J, Chen Y, Chai R, Li W, and Li H* (2016). Extensive Supporting Cell Proliferation and Mitotic Hair Cell Generation by In Vivo Genetic Reprogramming in the Neonatal Mouse Cochlea. The Journal of neuroscience.36, 8734-8745

3.    Li Y, Li A, Wu J, He Y, Yu H, Chai R, and Li H* (2016). MiR-182-5p protects inner ear hair cells from cisplatin-induced apoptosis by inhibiting FOXO3a. Cell death & disease.7, e2362

4.    Lu X, Sun S, Qi J, Li W, Liu L, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Zhang S, Wang L, Miao D, Chai R, and Li H* (2017). Bmi1 Regulates the Proliferation of Cochlear Supporting Cells Via the Canonical Wnt Signaling Pathway. Molecular neurobiology.54, 1326-1339

5.    Tang D, Lin Q, He Y, Chai R, and Li H* (2016). Inhibition of H3K9me2 Reduces Hair Cell Regeneration after Hair Cell Loss in the Zebrafish Lateral Line by Down-Regulating the Wnt and Fgf Signaling Pathways. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience.9, 39

6.    Liu L, Chen Y, Qi J, Zhang Y, He Y, Ni W, Li W, Zhang S, Sun S, Taketo M M, Wang L, Chai R, and Li H* (2016). Wnt activation protects against neomycin-induced hair cell damage in the mouse cochlea. Cell death & disease.7, e2136.

7.    He Y, Tang D, Cai C, Chai R, and Li H* (2016). LSD1 is Required for Hair Cell Regeneration in Zebrafish. Molecular neurobiology.53, 2421-2434

8.    He Y, Wang Z, Sun S, Tang D, Li W, Chai R, and Li H* (2016). HDAC3 Is Required for Posterior Lateral Line Development in Zebrafish. Molecular neurobiology.53, 5103-5117

9.    Sun S, Yu H, Yu H, Mei H, Ni W, Zhang Y, Guo L, He Y, Xue Z, Ni Y, Li J, Feng Y, Chen Y, Shao R, Chai R, and Li H* (2015). Inhibition of the Activation and Recruitment of Microglia-Like Cells Protects Against Neomycin-Induced Ototoxicity. Molecular neurobiology.51, 252-267

10.  Chang Q, Wang J, Li Q, Kim Y, Zhou B, Wang Y, Li H*, and Lin X* (2015). Virally mediated Kcnq1 gene replacement therapy in the immature scala media restores hearing in a mouse model of human Jervell and Lange-Nielsen deafness syndrome. EMBO Molecular Medicine.7, 1077-1086

11.  Gu X, Guo L, Ji H, Sun S, Chai R, Wang L, and Li H* (2015). Genetic testing for sporadic hearing loss using targeted massively parallel sequencing identifies 10 novel mutations. Clinical Genetics.87, 588-593

12.  He Y, Yu H, Cai C, Sun S, Chai R, and Li H* (2015). Inhibition of H3K4me2 Demethylation Protects Auditory Hair Cells from Neomycin-Induced Apoptosis. Molecular neurobiology.52, 196-205

13.  Mei H, Sun S, Bai Y, Chen Y, Chai R, and Li H* (2015). Reduced mtDNA copy number increases the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. Cell death & disease. 6, e1710.

14.  Chen Y, Li L, Ni W, Zhang Y, Sun S, Miao D, Chai R, and Li H* (2015). Bmi1 regulates auditory hair cell survival by maintaining redox balance. Cell death & disease.6

15.  He Y, Mei H, Yu H, Sun S, Ni W, and Li H* (2014). Role of histone deacetylase activity in the developing lateral line neuromast of zebrafish larvae. Experimental and Molecular Medicine.46, e94.

16.  Yu H, Lin Q, Wang Y, He Y, Fu S, Jiang H, Yu Y, Sun S, Chen Y, Shou J, and Li H* (2013). Inhibition of H3K9 methyltransferases G9a/GLP prevents ototoxicity and ongoing hair cell death. Cell death & disease.4e506

17.  Yan X, Wang X, Wang Z, Sun S, Chen G, He Y, Mo J Q, Li R, Jiang P, Lin Q, Sun M, Li W, Bai Y, Zhang J, Zhu Y, Lu J, Yan Q, Li H*, and Guan M-X* (2011). Maternally transmitted late-onset non-syndromic deafness is associated with the novel heteroplasmic T12201C mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA(His) gene. Journal of Medical Genetics.48, 682-690





Email: hwli@shmu.edu.cn

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